What does bullying look like in the production industry? How can we learn NOT to be a bully and instead contribute to a healthy working environment? Join ADG’s exclusive webinar alongside the Film and TV Charity on Thursday 22nd June to learn more.
AD Guild members are invited to an exclusive webinar alongside the Film and TV Charity taking place on Thursday 22nd June at 7pm.
What will the webinar cover?
What is meant by bullying and harassment and be able to identify it at work
What to do if you experience bullying and / or harassment and how to navigate it with an employer
Your rights and responsibilities
How to deal with an allegation of bullying / harassment if it’s brought to you
How not to be a bully
How to get support for yourself and how to provide support for others
Why it’s such a problem in the Industry and how to prevent it from happening on a collective level
The importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Zoom details for Thursday 22nd June @ 7pm
Please register your interest via admin@adguild.uk by Wednesday 21st June. It is important members register their interest for events in order for AD Guild to track the projected attendance of the event. Webinars with low-registered interest may be cancelled in advance. This is to ensure we are showing respect towards the industry members and guest panellists who offer their time and dedication to preparing webinar material for ADG members, as well as the work of paid staff at AD Guild.
AD Guild UK is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Anti-Bullying on Set: ADG x Film and TV Charity
Time: Jun 22, 2023 19:00 London
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88972340517?pwd=T29FU2V2bXo3YzdNejBtNFE4Z1paQT09
Meeting ID: 889 7234 0517
Passcode: 436921
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• +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 889 7234 0517
Passcode: 436921
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